Grade 7 Classes - Registration
The spot for a class cannot be confirmed until the following items have been received:
A. List with the number of students and teachers/parents attending, numbers of male and female students, and any special medical or other concerns.
B. The times the class(es) can attend (early arrival - 9:00 and early departure - 1:30 or late arrival - 10:00 and late departure 2:30). Please indicate MUST HAVE EARLY or MUST HAVE LATE or EITHER TIME is fine. Note: "Either time" does let us fit in more classes.....
C. A cheque for the amount of $2 per student to cover the costs of the event - hopefully!
Contact information:
Lists or questions can be e-mailed to Chris Robins at my Board e-mail account : [email protected] or my personal e-mail account: [email protected] Cheques can be sent to:
CDCI West, attn. Chris Robins, 135 King Street West, Cobourg, Ontario K9A 2M7.
Note: Your cheque will be destroyed or returned if it is necessary to cancel the event (heavy rain would be the culprit and it is impossible to re-schedule a "rain day"). If you are unsure about the event being cancelled on the day, please phone Cobourg West Highschool at 905-372-2191. A secretary is available from 7:30 on-wards and we will advise the School by 7:30 if the event is cancelled.
A. List with the number of students and teachers/parents attending, numbers of male and female students, and any special medical or other concerns.
B. The times the class(es) can attend (early arrival - 9:00 and early departure - 1:30 or late arrival - 10:00 and late departure 2:30). Please indicate MUST HAVE EARLY or MUST HAVE LATE or EITHER TIME is fine. Note: "Either time" does let us fit in more classes.....
C. A cheque for the amount of $2 per student to cover the costs of the event - hopefully!
Contact information:
Lists or questions can be e-mailed to Chris Robins at my Board e-mail account : [email protected] or my personal e-mail account: [email protected] Cheques can be sent to:
CDCI West, attn. Chris Robins, 135 King Street West, Cobourg, Ontario K9A 2M7.
Note: Your cheque will be destroyed or returned if it is necessary to cancel the event (heavy rain would be the culprit and it is impossible to re-schedule a "rain day"). If you are unsure about the event being cancelled on the day, please phone Cobourg West Highschool at 905-372-2191. A secretary is available from 7:30 on-wards and we will advise the School by 7:30 if the event is cancelled.